For Product

My name is Marcin Kapusta
I love creating digital and
physical products

For Product

My name is Marcin Kapusta
I love creating digital and physical products

About Marcin

Marcin Kapusta – I’m the President of the Lema Foundation, a space for analyzing future trends and business, and the Founder of APIRAWS™ a brand producing modern and natural meals, reaching tens of thousands of customers.

I love analyzing what we can expect and prepare for in the near future. I synthesize this into strategies and products to put into action.

Recently Created Websites:

Created in WordPress - Astra - Elementor - Woocommerce
Graphic design in Canva

My recently
created websites:

Created in WordPress - Astra - Elementor - WooCommerce
Graphic design in Canva Pro

My company built
with Lean & Agile principles

Check this

Watch on New 20-hour project:

See my way of thinking
in a newly created digital product:



View New
Designed eBook

View New
Designed eBook

Development Strategy
of the Bieszczady Region

The strategy was inspired by the Department of Promotion of Sanok in 2019. Process of its preparation took more than 7 months.


  • Preparation of a 10-15 year strategy for the development of the region
  • To stimulate socio-economic development of the region
  • Introduce the concept of work based on long-term strategy into the action plan of various local communities
  • Identification and indication of the optimum development direction for the Bieszczady Region
  • Preparation of the region for changes taking place globally and regionally

In addition to the analysis and synthesis of data and trends, I created a new visual identity for the Bieszczady Region. 

The idea was to provide 3 districts with different but coherent visual identification, referring to the regional culture but focused on new trends.

In addition to the analysis and synthesis of data and trends, I created a new visual identity for the Bieszczady Region. 

The idea was to provide 3 districts with different but coherent visual identification, referring to the regional culture but focused on new trends.

Watch Video
on YouTube:

View Mini Course

How I Create Physical Products Using the Lean StatUp Method

  • This is a course created by inviting me to collaborate with the „Expert in Bentley” YouTube channel team on a larger project called „Modern Company,” where practitioners share their best experiences.
  • The video got such a positive response that I decided to make it available on the Udemy platform as well.
  • The course primarily relates to running your own company using the Lean method based on a physical product you created.

Love for teamworkand leadership
as Primus inter pares

  • Primus inter pares (Latin for „first among equals”) – a term used to describe a person who has some authority among other members of the group to which he belongs, but not associated with greater privileges.
  • I have been acting as a team leader since I was 13, when scouts asked me to take this role. It was an amazing moment, because since then I have been managing teams continuously for 20 years.
  • In the slides you can see some of the great teams that I have had the honor of forming, working and leading.

Something More
about my projects!

Each of us as we grow up soaks up the environment we live in and it shapes us beyond our innate conditioning.

Many of my projects seem very disparate on the surface, but if you watch this video, my approach becomes clearer.

This is the first episode of a TV series from the early 1990s about a girl living in the year 3000, a time after the Great Depression and the total collapse of humanity in 2500.  I watched it when I was 6 years old.  I didn’t pay much attention to the plot, on the contrary I was waiting for the scenes from the future. I was fascinated by the year 3000, how people lived there, the technology of that time, and the relationships that existed there. Already then I was thinking that maybe there is a possibility of avoiding the Great Depression and a gentle transition to this „Golden Era”.

I was reminded of it 22 years later when I was browsing the internet. It was only after all these years that I realized that this vision had sunk so deeply into my mind that I have been subconsciously pursuing it all along. You may think it’s not serious, but Elon Musk created SpaceX to fulfill a childhood dream of flying to Mars, and Motorola’s best-selling phone model was inspired by StarTreck.

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Feel free to contact me
+48 515 323 404
+48 515 323 404

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