love creating
digital & physical product MVPs!
We’ll take on your idea, whether it’s by analyzing upcoming trends, preparing a prototype, MVP, barnd strategy, or researching consumer behavior.
Want to launch a new product?
We are determined to turn a new idea into a profitable product.
The only question is, will we build it with you?
Chcesz wprowadzić nowy produkt?
Jesteśmy zdeterminowani, aby przekształcić nową ideę w dochodowy produkt.
Jedyne pytanie brzmi, czy zbudujemy go z Tobą?
Ready to Create a New Product?
step 1
We will guide you through the Product Discovery process, creating user maps
step 3
Establish a go-to-market strategy for your product and brand, as this increases results
Krok 2
Stwórz realistyczny prototyp, który będziesz testować z docelowymi użytkownikami.
We Are
& physical products
Marcin Kapusta – I’m the President of the Lema Foundation, a space for analyzing future trends and business, and the Founder of APIRAWS™ a brand producing modern and natural meals, reaching tens of thousands of customers.
I love analyzing what we can expect and prepare for in the near future. I synthesize this into strategies and products to put into action.